Season 1 of Raising Dion introduced fans to the adorable little super-powered Dion and the discovery of his powers. We looked deep into the origin of Dion and the introduction to key players in Dion’s life including his young mother, his dead father, and his friends along with his Godfather.

The ending of season 1 left a lot of questions and a lot of anticipation for the second season of the show, including going into more detail on Dion and his mysterious powers. For fans of the show, here are 10 things we want to see in season 2 of Raising Dion.

More In-Depth Look at Dion’s Powers

Season 1 introduced Dion’s powers and vaguely went into what they were and somewhat how he got them. We learned they are controlled by his emotions and that he had several powers including telekinesis, lightning-based powers, teleporting, and several others.

We have truly never seen someone like Dion, showing sure signs that he might grow up to be a very powerful hero with a wide array of powers. We hope that in the second season, the show goes into more details on Dion and his powers, the extent of his powers, and how powerful he really is.

Dion’s First Official Villain

Season’s one big bad was the mysterious “Crooked-man”, the giant lightning bolt creature that was responsible for killing Dion’s father and is looking to kill all super-powered individuals. It came as a shock to everyone when the “crooked-man” was actually Dion’s Godfather and friend to the family. We saw his obsessive tendencies and his unpredictability in the show but we never pictured the lovable character to be the man who is causing destruction and is a danger for Dion considering how much he cared for the seven-year-old.

The end of season 1 teased the young farmer’s boy who like Dion inherited his powers from his dad who was also killed by the Crooked man. We see his bad intentions and his mentioning of taking down Dion in the final moments of the season finale.

We could only hope that the two kids have an action-packed battle (where no one is seriously injured of course).

A Love Interest For Nicole

Being a widow is hard, especially being a young widow with a seven-year-old son with superpowers. Throughout the first season, Nicole was more than of raising Dion by herself although she did get overwhelmed with loneliness and anxiety of Dion’s powers. It’s safe to say having someone by her side would’ve made her life a little easier (someone who wasn’t secretly a controlling psychopath anyways).

Throughout the first season, we saw Nicole gaze at 2 men who are ideal for both her and Dion. The first being Rashad, Nicole’s old friend and dancer of the company she works at. She was definitely smitten by the tall and handsome Rashad, dancing full of happiness and euphoria in her kitchen long after sharing an intimate dance with Rashad. Although we didn’t see a lot of the character, he seems to really care about Nicole and is a patient and understanding individual.

The second is Dion’s own science teacher Mr.Anthony who helped keep Dion out of trouble and offered to help him in any way. Like Rashad, Mr.Anthony is patient and understanding, but he also shows love for working with kids and he sees Dion’s potential.

Either one is an ideal candidate for Nicole but we might also like the independent Nicole who’s fine on her own.

Return of Mark

The end of the season showed Mark (Dion’s dad and Nicole’s husband) dying at the hands of Pat after attempting to save his friend. Although it wasn’t really explained if he really died or how he appeared as a ghost-like figure, he is seen at the very end of the season, with his last words being “Energy never dies”.

Does this mean that he might make his way back in season 2? Only time will tell, but Michael B Jordan is an executive producer and is confirmed to come back in that spot for season 2 but not much has been addressed about the role of his character in season 2.

More Super-Powered Friends

In season 1 we saw that Dion wasn’t the only superpowered being, learning from Charlotte Tuck and Brayden who we mentioned in an entry above. With Season 2 hopefully containing more plots revolving around Dion and his powers, we hope to see superpowered allies who can help him defeat the big bad in season 2.

Like we’ve seen in The Avengers and Justice League, a team of superheroes is a lot more fun to watch and the action is immeasurable.

Supporting Cast

Season 1 introduced us to the adorable and snarky Esperanza and the misguided Jonathan who learns to befriend Dion after bullying him for the first half of the season. The season finale saw the team of unlikely heroes take on Pat and his power and stand by Dion’s side no matter how dangerous it was for them.

In season 2 we hope to see more of the blossoming trio and we hope that we can more comical interactions between the three.

Biona Labs

One of the biggest twists of season 1 was Suzanne Wu and her team at Biona Labs. For the first half of the season, viewers had their suspicions on Wu and her company, assuming she was up to no good after keeping track of Dion and having him traced. When she took Dion into the lab it was basically confirmed she was the villain until she revealed she only wanted help and agreed to let Dion go if she got Nicole’s cooperation.

She later reveals that she only wanted to learn of Dion’s powers to help with the rotting forest and his abilities can be of great help. She even helped Dion take down Pat after he came out as the Crooked Man.

A Super Suit

As Dion reminded his mother, every superhero needs to have his identity safe and need a super-suit to protect it. We saw a glimpse of his first super suit which was good for a seven-year-old putting it together.

Now that he has the help of Biona Labs maybe in the second season we will see an actual super suit that will help Dion and give him the superhero look we all want to see at one point.

Intriguing Plot

As amazing as season 1 was of Raising Dion, one thing the showrunners could’ve done better is sticking to one plot. Through the eight episodes, there were a lot of plots set up and as viewers, we didn’t know which ones to be invested in.

It started with the mystery of Mark’s reappearance, the identity of the Crooked Man, the mystery behind Dion’s powers, the rotting forest, and other subplots that seemed important but we’re still unsure.

Whether its Dion saving the world with his powers or taking on his big bad, we would like less clutter and one direct storyline throughout the season.

More Dion and Nicole Moments

Some of the most tender and heartwarming moments came between Nicole and her son. She may be inexperienced and young, but she is a great mother with a loving heart for Dion, even marching to Biona and demanding to see her son despite the danger it could’ve posed.

We know these two are close and we hope that the second season sees these two’s relationship blossom and build upon what it already is.