Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege has now crossed over 50 million players. Ubisoft has been busy constantly updating the title with new operatives and levels, much to the delight of players. As a result of the constant support since launching the game in 2015, it was inevitable that the player base would continue to grow over time. One of the best ways Ubisoft helped the title was through free weekends where players could simply download Siege and try it out.

Setting aside the tactics, recent statements by Ubisoft speak to the success that the game has experienced. Apparently Rainbow Six Siege will come to Xbox Scarlett and PlayStation 5, which is very telling of the longterm plans in place for the title. Furthermore, the developers on the title have confirmed that they’d ideally like to stop supporting the game after they hit 100 Operatives. That’s already an insane goal, but it’s clear that there’s demand for further support given the scale of the user base.

According to Daniel Ahmad, senior analyst at Niko Partners, Rainbow Six Siege has surpassed 50 million players. This is a spectacular feat for the company, and one that many games never reach. Ahmad is right in saying that this is “one of the best success stories this gen,” as it’s clear that the number of players is only continuing to grow.

There are a few ways that Ubisoft has kept on top of appeasing the fan base since launching Rainbow Six Siege. One of the best are in-game events that have sparadically appeared throughout the game’s lifetime. We’ve seen a cutesy toy theme applied to the map Plane with correpsonding aesthetic items for April Fool’s Day. Most recently, fans were treated to a Wild West-themed event that included a limited-timed three-on-three mode.

Perhaps most famously, Ubisoft added a limited mode called Outbreak which added zombies into the mix. That concept later evolved into an entirely new game called Rainbow Six Quarantine, which is set to release in 2020 across PC, PS4 and Xbox One. If Ubisoft has faith in a three-player spin-off of Rainbow Six Siege then that likely speaks volumes for the success of the franchise thus far.

It’s hard to say just how high Rainbow Six Siege’s player base will climb, but here’s hoping for many more years of support.

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Source: Daniel Ahmad - Twitter