This one takes me back! Ragnarok Online was one of the first MMORPGS I ever played, way back in the 2000s when this whole ‘MMORPG’ thing was just beginnning to make itself known as the ’end all be all’ in online gaming (honestly, what ISN’T a MMORPG these days?). That said, why not cop it again for old times sake?

Ragnarok Online is Gravity Interactive’s longest-running MMORPG, and will now be available via Steam as a free download which will be supported by in-game minitransactions. 

It first appeared on the scene in North America back in ‘03, and quickly made itself known for its then odd pairing of 3D backgrounds and 2D character sprites, which helped set it apart from other games around at the time.

RO’s gameplay is defined by the seemingly infinite array of different skill and class customization options, and it allows players to team up and take on the game’s equally numerous quests. Players can also compete in several different PVP modes such as Group vs Group, Arena Combat, Player vs Monster, and Player vs All (The first of which I always killed with a vengeance).Ragnarok Online has also consistently introduced new content weekly since the beginning, and adds new quests and events each month. RO also recently celebrated its 10th anniversary this past summer, which is pretty ancient by industry standards. 

 Don’t know about you, but I’m off to go relive my glory days! Cop the game here.