By using the accelerometer on your Android phone, QuickCamera launches the camera when a particular gesture is produced with your phone while it is in its locked state. The app also requires Camera to be installed “in order to launch the camera from the lockscreen,” according to the developer.  I tried QuickCamera on both the HTC One (M8) HTC One (M8) ay ition with little success. Tweaking the settings seemed to do nothing, although, when calibrating the gesture sensitivity, the app did mention that it successfully detected the movement. I finally managed to get the camera to launch when the phone was in its locked state, but very few times, with a lot more effort than it should take. Since this the app is still in alpha, bugs the sort are to be expected. If you’d like to give the app a try, you’ll need to join the + community here, confirm yourself as a beta tester. After that, you’ll be on your way to possibly getting some Moto X functionality.