While much of the tech world is focused on tomorrow’s iPhone 8 and iPhone X announcement, Qualcomm is seemingly trying to steal a bit of Apple’s thunder. The chipmaker today shared a blog post highlighting the “Android firsts brought to you by Qualcomm,” which is basically its way of pointing out features that Android had before iPhone.

The chart highlights features such as an OLED display and a bezel-less design, both of which are expected to be flagship features of the new iPhone X. Qualcomm pats itself on the back for these features, saying:

Furthermore, Qualcomm seemingly thanks itself for features on the iPhone, saying that inventions from Qualcomm “lay the foundation for so many technologies and experiences we value in our smartphones today – on Android and other platforms.”

As Ben at 9to5Google pointed out, there are a slew of inaccuracies in Qualcomm’s chart. The company lists “firsts” that really aren’t firsts, or devices that don’t even have the corresponding feature:

It’s also never Apple’s prerogative to first to market with a specific feature. As Tim Cook has said, Apple focuses more on getting a feature or product right than it does on being first. Ben Lovejoy highlighted this just last week, talking about Apple’s Face ID feature and Samsung’s easily fooled face tech:

Qualcomm’s passive aggressive blog post comes as it’s engaged in a heated legal battle with Apple over unpaid royalties and monopolistic-like behavior. Qualcomm has since come after Apple with a patent infringement suit, seeking an import ban on the iPhone.

All you have to do is duct tape 10 Android devices. Voila! https://t.co/aiwZ26bTqf

— Miguel de Icaza (@migueldeicaza) September 11, 2017