Last week, rumors started floating on the Internet that Qualcomm is facing issues with its upcoming Snapdragon 810 chip, which would reportedly delay the launch of next-generation flagships like the Galaxy S6, HTC One and the LG G4. Turns out that it was just a baseless rumor, which has now been shot down by Qualcomm’s Senior Director of Public Relations, Jon Carvill. While Carvill refused to comment on the delay or the rumor, he did say that the development on the Snapdragon 810 chip is going as per schedule. “I can tell you that everything with Snapdragon 810 remains on track and we expect commercial devices to be available in 1H 2015,” said Carvill Qualcomm chips are found inside the majority of Android devices out there in the market, and any delay from its side can greatly affect the plans of OEMs like Samsung or HTC. The Snapdragon 810 is going to be the company’s first high-end 64-bit chip. The octa-core chip will feature four low-power Cortex-A53 cores, and four powerful A57 cores to deliver the perfect balance between performance and battery life.