Yoshida went on record to say a new PlayStation Vita would be a bad idea in the current market - games on smartphones and tablets are too prolific:

Part of the problem is that many games on smartphones and tablets are free-to-play, or free to start playing. PlayStation Vita games are also just more complicated. Mobile gaming is simply touching a screen, but the Vita includes analog sticks and buttons. 

However, he didn’t just deliver bad news. He also stated that a Killzone remastered bundle, similar to the Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection, could be a possibility. He estimated that only half of PlayStation 4 users owned a PS3, which means remastered bundles are a great way to catch them up on past franchises.

A new Wipeout game is also very possible. Developer Sony Liverpool closed, but Yoshida claimed Sony has a “never say never” attitude for bringing the Wipeout series back. This is apparently true for all dormant Sony properties.

Be sure to check out the full Q&A below.

Q A with Shuhei Yoshida  Second PlayStation Vita is very unlikely  Killzone remastered bundle  Wipeout possible - 67