Purely White Deluxe is an award-winning product with striking customer reviews. According to the company’s official website, 97% of customers who bought and used Purely White Deluxe reported that it got up to four shades whiter after four weeks of usage, and 94% reported they got a more confident smile.

One customer, C. Patel from the United States, gave this review: 

This product is great; it’s easy to use, and I was able to get results within two days. I would recommend this product to anyone who wants white teeth. C. Patel gave the Purely White Deluxe product a 4-star rating.

Ian from the United States provided this review of Purely White Deluxe. His review focuses on the results he got using Purely White Deluxe and the side effects that some people may be scared about. Here is what he said.

This is a great product. I’ve had zero sensitivity problems since I started using it. It comes with three syringes—some people may need more. Ian gave Purely White Deluxe a 4-star rating.

One buyer compared his experience of Purely White Deluxe with other similar products he has used in the past. This is what Emma from the United States said on October 11, 2020, about Puly White Deluxe:

I had bought and used different teeth whitening kits before, but this is the one that works best for me. It’s the easiest of them that I’ve used. It’s highly recommended. Emma gave Purely White Deluxe a 5-star rating.

On January 8, 2021, Jessica Kay Embry made these comments:

This product is easy to use. Though I have been using it for about a week, I can only see a minimal difference in my teeth whitening. Yet, Jessica gave Purely White Deluxe a 4-star rating.

Here is the review Wyatt from the United States gave that focuses on the customer service of the Purely White Deluxe manufacturer. Here is the review he gave on March 3, 2021.

My first product broke after two days of using it. The company sent me another one completely free. Thanks to their customer service.

Donna Ferrara from the United States expresses confidence in the results he started getting after a short while of using Purely White Deluxe. Here is what she said on July 25, 2021.

I have just started using Purely White Deluxe, and it seems to me that it is working already. Donna gave Purely White Deluxe a 5-star rating.

Most global brand products get their products trusted by obtaining reviews from Trustpilot. The following reviews are obtained for Purely White Deluxe from the Trustpilot website.

Bella Saidi, United States, May 31, 2022.

It is an amazing teeth whitening kit. With this kit, I got many of the stains on my teeth as a result of coffee drinks removed. I have had no issues with this kit since I started using it. It is highly recommended. Bella gave Purely White Deluxe a 4.5-star rating.

DJ JayRo, United States, May 27, 2022

I got this product at a great price, and the shipping was really fast. Today is the third day since I started using it, and I love the results I have gotten so far. This product is highly recommended. JayRo gave Purely White Deluxe a 5-star rating.

Heldy, United States, May 23, 2022.

I love this product. It works perfectly well for me, and I also love their customer service. Heldy gave Purely White Deluxe a 5-star rating.

Nicholas Blanchi, United States, May 11, 2022

Though my teeth do not seem to be whitened immediately, I trust the product is removing the stains gradually. I appreciate the customer care of this company because they sent my product on time. Nicholas Blanchi gave Purely White Deluxe a 5-star rating.


The reviews of Purely White Deluxe are positive and encouraging. From the above, we see what customers who have experienced the product are saying, with many of them insisting that it’s a highly recommended product.

The manufacturer of Purely White Deluxe has promised the integration of wireless blue light technology into the future design of the product. If you desire to buy Purely White Deluxe at this point, your fear should be allayed. This is because trust has been established through the testimony of two or more witnesses who are first-hand users of this product.

Can the use of Purely White Deluxe damage my teeth?

So far as we know, this product has not damaged anyone’s teeth. It was made by highly qualified dentists and approved by the Association of Dentists in the United States. It is not like the use of Purely White Deluxe will have such a consequence on anyone.

How long does it take before I see results after using the product?

It does not take long. Perhaps after four shades. Most people see results in less than a week after starting to apply it.