Pulmonary function tests are some sets of noninvasive tests performed to assess the specific or  overall performances of the pulmonary system. 

The cost of performing a Pulmonary Function Test is relative and not specific, depending on a  particular test, or group of tests required. 

What is the cost of doing pulmonary function test? 

As I mentioned earlier, the cost of performing a pulmonary function test is relative depending on  the number of things your pulmonologist wants to probe. According to MD-save, the average cost  of performing this test ranges from $330 to $966. These figures are not static. They may be higher  or lower. The number of tests carried out determines the actual cost. 


Pulmonary function test has both diagnostic and therapeutic/clinical significance. Diagnostically, a pulmonary function test may be requested for the following reasons: 

When you present with symptoms of lung complications/conditions: This may come as a result of a  difficulty in breathing, stridor- the hash vibrating sound that may be when the airways are  obstructed, shortness of breath. 

When you are constantly exposed to irritants due to your working environment. The industrial  irritants include carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen, and so on. 

As a preoperative procedural exercise to determine the stability of the system during such surgical  processes in the heart, lung, chest, etc. 

For the diagnosis of chronic diseases like asthma and chronic obstructive disorder. Clinically/therapeutically, Pulmonary Function Test may be done; 

When you are an athlete that performs a lot of sporty activities. This is done to ascertain your  physical fitness for the exercise.

To ascertain the kind of drugs that can be prescribed in cases of other conditions. The lung is also an  organ of drug metabolism, and hence, when its function is compromised, the ability to metabolize  certain drugs that are organ-specific is reduced for drugs metabolized by the lung cells. Also, drugs  that have the potential of causing lung damage could be withdrawn following the result of the  Pulmonary Function Test. 


Use of Spirometer 

Spirometry uses an instrument called the spirometer. This test requires the patient to take a deep  breath and then exhale after a given time. It measures the volume of air the patient was able to  exhale from the system and how fast he could exhale them. During this procedure, you are required  to sit straightened and then breathe into the tube provided. Then a clip is attached to the nose  which will enable you to breathe out air through it. You take a deep breath, then exhale with force  on the instructions of the technician. This test is important in diagnosing asthma and Chronic  Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 

Physical Exercise of the Cardiopulmonary System  

This test requires subjecting you to any physical activity like, walking, running, jumping, hiking, and  so on, to check how the lung, the heart, the blood vessels, and the muscles respond to strenuous  activities and also to check how much oxygen is circulated by the lungs. Vital signs like; blood  pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen saturation level would be taken before and after the  exercise. 

Plethysmography Test 

Plethysmography is used to measure the gas volume of the lungs. In this procedure, you sit or stand  in a small enclosed area and breathe into a tube while the doctor measures the volume of air by 

taking the pressure reading of the area. The volume determination is based on Boyle’s law when  the temperature is constant. 

Things to look out for during Pulmonary Function Test 

There are already established standards for each of the parameters assessed in the pulmonary  function test. 

The lung volumes measured are Tidal volume, Inspiratory volume, expiratory volume, and residual  volume. These volumes have a standard range, hence, a deviation from this range would be probed. 

An oximeter reading of 80-90. Any value outside the range with a significant difference is examined. 

The heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen pressure are all monitored during a cardiopulmonary  exercise test. 

How to maintain the Pulmonary System 

The pulmonary system is one of the vital systems of the body. Adequate care is paramount for its  optimal performance. 

The following steps should always be taken to ensure its maximal function. 

Adequate exercise to improve the air sack and airway function. 

Reduce physical activity if you have a chronic respiratory condition like asthma or chronic  obstructive pulmonary disease. 

Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) if you work in an environment that exposes you to toxic  irritant gases like carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen gas, etc. 

See a pulmonologist when you detect any obstruction in your airway or have symptoms related to a  respiratory disorder.