Through a series of tweets during E3, we learned PUBG is getting a Zombie Mode. This upcoming mode will allow players to fight against hordes of player-controlled zombies. Currently this mode is still in development, so the exact details are far from hammered out. All we know is that it will happen, and it will take another step forward in the zombie franchise. These zombies are going to be better than those in Call of Duty.

Call of Duty might have originally came up with the idea of a zombie mode, but other games improved the zombie game franchise. I believe that PUBG’s addition to the zombie genre will be more similar to H1Z1 than CoD Zombies. And that’s a good thing.

Unlike Call of Duty’s mode, PUBG’s zombie mode should add more scenarios and require good strategy from both the survivors and zombies. Players should be engaged in planning their survival – not mindlessly shooting zombies with their teammates. 

Since the PUBG base game starts with everyone being at the same level, it is safe to assume that the zombies will all be the same. I expect PUBG’s zombies to be better than CoD zombies because there will be more consistency with the zombies’ levels, which should allow for proper planning against the hordes.

Planning and teamwork will be important for the player zombies themselves. Being a zombie will require coordination with other zombies. Dealing with one zombie is easy, but dealing with fifty is a nightmare.

It will be interesting to see how the game progresses, and what the developers do to balance the zombie mode, and make it fun and engaging for everyone involved. There are a lot of different avenues they can explore, and we’re looking forward to see which they choose.

Either way, PUBG’s zombie mode is one every PUBG player should look forward to.

What are your thoughts on this upcoming zombie mode? Do you agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments!