PUBG’s newest update is bringing a new player progression system with it, introducing Survival Mastery to help complement Weapon Mastery, allowing players to level up skills and express their personalities in new ways with rewards and PUBG ID. PUBG has been making some significant changes to its day-to-day operations as the once dominant battle royale title continues to strive to separate itself from competitors like Fortnite while simultaneously navigating what has been a very promising move to mobile platforms.

PUBG’s most recent major change is the development of the Erangel map, a classic from the game’s earliest days that desperately needed a rework both in terms of competitive viability and in aesthetic. Now that the map has been better balanced and reflects the upgraded visuals of the PUBG world, the development team has turned its attention to incentivizing players to return to play frequently. One of the most consistent selling points of Fortnite has been how well it allows players to express themselves through their avatars, something that has in turn become a bigger focus for PUBG as well, particularly when it comes to customization and player ID.

With PUBG Update 4.3, the game will be adding a new player progression system called Survival Mastery to further deepen the ability of its players to customize their characters and create positive, rewarding feedback loops. PUBG Update 4.3, which was announced earlier in a blog post, will introduce Survival Mastery as a complement to Weapon Mastery and will allow players to gain levels through XP rewarded for players’ survival patterns. The system will operate all the time without being affected by seasonal play and has a level cap of 500, with players earning XP through looting, combat item use, combat itself, and reviving a teammate.

The new system will also reward players with “survival style,” which will show how a player has recently played by analyzing data from recent games. It will include relevant information like average engagement length and distance, hot drop rates, damage taken per game, and more, with the 3 most prominent traits being displayed and deepening their player profile. This will in turn grant players emblems, background, poses, and more based on their PUBG Survival Mastery level.

It’s a pretty hefty update for the game, and PUBG Update 4.3 is certainly an intriguing addition to the game’s systems. Anything that gives players labels, titles, emblems, and more will almost always be a hit in multiplayer, as it lets players show off to opponents. With PUBG Update 4.3, it also helps showcase player style, which could also help indicate what type of player a teammate is. There’s a lot of applications for PUBG Survival Mastery, and it’s a system that could revitalize player expression in the game.

Next: PUBG Adds Cross-Platform Play For PS4 and Xbox One

Source: PUBG