If you’ve ever taken a Live Photo only to find that the still image selected by the Camera app was just before a beautiful smile, or your slightly wonky horizon is straight in a later frame in the animated version, there’s now an app to fix it.

Google has updated a free app to allow you to play your Live Photo frame-by-frame, and then choose a different frame for the still. Once you select it, you simply export it back into your camera roll as a replacement Live Photo …

The Motion Stills app was originally designed to apply automatic stabilization to turn your shaky Live Photos into silky-smooth GIFs. You can even edit a bunch of Live Photos together into a movie. An update in December added the ability to add text that tracks a person or object.

A fresh update this week added the ‘best frame’ feature, as well as improving the quality of the GIFs.

Motion Stills is a free download from iTunes.

Via The Verge