Cars in Project Zomboid are powered by gasoline and oil. When the player starts the car, it will idle until the player hits a button to start the engine. The car has three speeds: low, medium, and high. The player can also change the gear by hitting the gear shifter on the side of the car.

To turn off a car in Project Zomboid, you first need to find the car’s ignition key. Once you have the key, you can use it to turn off the car’s engine.

There is no one definitive way to open the trunk of a car in Project Zomboid. Some players may use the “Open trunk” key command, while others may use the “Lift up” or “Lower” buttons on the car’s door handle.

In Project Zomboid, cars can be hotwired using a screwdriver.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the severity of a bite will vary depending on the size and strength of the zombie. However, some tips to surviving a bite in Project Zomboid include staying calm and avoiding making any sudden movements. If you are bitten, try to fight back as quickly as possible by hitting your attacker with whatever you have available, such as a rock or a piece of wood.

There are a few different ways to hotwire a car, but the most common is to use a screwdriver to jiggle the key in the door lock.

There are no guns in Project Zomboid.

There is no one definitive answer to this question; it will depend on the car and the specific situation. Some cars have a trunk that can be opened with a key, while others may require a special tool or lever. In some cases, the trunk may be accessible through a window or door; in others, it may require climbing into the car’s chassis. Ultimately, it is important to research the specific car you are using in Project Zomboid before attempting to sleep inside of it.

No, zombies do not respawn in Project Zomboid.

There are a few ways to get into a car trunk without a key. One way is to use the keyless entry system. Another way is to use a professional tool such as a trunk pop tool.