The Inmate Nutrition Research grant requests that you do two things:

Serve a single low quantity, low variety meal for two days Serve three high variety, high quantity meals for two days

This grant is asking you to alter your inmates’ meals to see how they react – and they do not react well to only having one bad meal a day.

To alter your inmates’ meal quantities and varieties, you need to head to the Policy section of your Reports.

You can find and alter your prison’s Nutritional Policy at the bottom, which is the first thing you need to tinker with for this grant.

The second thing you need to tinker with is your Regime, which is where you alter your inmates’ schedules. The Regime menu can be found in your Reports as well.

Let’s focus on the low-quality meal requirement first.

A single low quantity, low variety meal for two days

Head into Policy and set your Nutritional Policy like so:

And go into Regime and ensure each security level only has one meal in a day. The duration of the meal does not matter as long as there is only one. (Regime below is simply an example and probably shouldn’t be followed.)

Keep your prisoners on this regime for two days and you will fulfill the requirement.

Don’t worry about whether you’ll be able to keep track of the time or not: Once you’ve completed the two days, the portion of the grant requirement you’ve finished will be crossed off on your To Do List.

Three high variety, high quantity meals for two days

This is just as simple as the above, and your inmates won’t be rioting over it.

Set your Nutritional Policy like so:

And make sure all of your security tiers are having three meals for the next two days.

After the two-day duration is over, you’ll have completed the grant requirements and gotten the $15,000. Make sure you set your inmate Regimes back to something feasible and move on with your prison-building.

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