Princess Charlotte curtsying to the Queen is ending 2019 on a high. After all, the Royal Family has been split this holiday season. There is a reported rift between brothers William and Harry, as well as reported dissension between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton. Not only that, but Prince Andrew has been plagued with scandal surrounding his involvement with the Jeffrey Epstein sex-trafficking ring.

Who could have imagined that Princess Charlotte, age 4, would be the great unifier the family so desperately needs. The moment between Queen Elizabeth and her great-granddaughter took place on Christmas day when the family visited St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham. The Duchess of Cambridge leaned over to speak with the young child, and as Queen Elizabeth’s car drove away, Charlotte followed her mother’s lead by curtsying out of respect for the honorable monarch. Not only was the moment charming, but it also fell on the heels of another good moment for the Queen. Prince Phillip, who had been hospitalized since December 20 for an ongoing illness, was released that very same week.

“The Duke of Edinburgh has today left hospital after being discharged by his doctor and is now back at Sandringham [Estate],” Buckingham Palace told Us Weekly in a statement. “His Royal Highness would like to thank everyone who sent their good wishes.” Having her husband home may have proven quite the relief, with so many of the family members deviating from the usual holiday protocols.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex spent their Christmas holiday stateside with her mother, Doria Ragland. This will give her plenty of time to bond with her grandson, Archie. However, the Queen is reportedly disappointed that part of her family opted to spend time away from her planned festivities. Therefore, having a special moment with little Charlotte gives Her Royal Highness the chance to share something positive this season with a member of the family who is unsullied by disappointment, or not yet jaded enough to express a disinterest in official responsibilities.

Princess Charlotte knowing her royal duties is not really a noteworthy event. What makes the moment between her and her great-grandmother so special is that they are both on opposite ends of the royalty spectrum. Charlotte is just beginning her stint as a member of the monarchy, while Queen Elizabeth is in the sunset of her reign. The simple exchange of respect shows that the Duchess of Cambridge has been a dutiful mother, rearing her children in the firm traditions of their heritage. Not only that, but it’s always fun to see Charlotte interact with Queen Elizabeth, as their resemblance is unmistakable. Also, since Charlotte is the only daughter born to William and Kate, she will attract added attention from royal watchers everywhere. While she may be too young to remember this moment later in life, her first public curtsy is sure to be a great piece of nostalgia for Charlotte in her adult years.

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Source: Us Weekly