Supreme biographer and maker Dan Wootton gave this claim in his piece for the Everyday Mail.

He began by faulting Sovereign Harry for using his diary buzz for clout and ensured, “clearly, the book is just the start of the hyper openness drive organized by the Sussexes to grow their assets and exhibit they’re a huge asset for their chiefs at Netflix and Spotify, which have both mentioned their pound of glorious tissue.”

“It would be an overwhelming dissatisfaction if, ensuing to being consolidated at the center of such a preview of history, Harry and Meghan use the events to extra their evidently endless yearning for business gain.”

“While I found her remarks very surprising, given it was her systematically deficient ‘interview’ that delivered a huge piece of the punishment of the past two years on the Sovereign, perhaps the couple should accept the declarations of their friend Oprah Winfrey genuinely.”

“Without a doubt, the opportunity for concordance has been introduced by Charles and William to the Sussexes, notwithstanding the way that they have been presented to a line of significantly hurting muckraking and truly misguided attacks, of which it is completely unachievable for them to reply.”

“No one from the royal family, nor any courtiers, actually called Harry to tell him of the monarch’s death”

— Pop Base (@PopBase) September 22, 2022

“By and by it truly relies upon Harry and Meghan that they would be capable, for once, put the Sovereign’s longings for significant solid areas for a bound together family following her destruction before their own futile and finally hurting venture for retribution.”