The five-year and three-year limited plans for the Prime Resources furniture guarantees are available, The warranty coverage will be provided up to, or within, the limit you specify. While the three-year plan will provide coverage at that time, the five-year range will provide coverage for your furniture.

We will go into detail about the warranty for Prime Resources Furniture in this post. As a result, you will learn more if you shop at Prime Resources.

Is Your Furniture Shipment Damaged?

There are times when the shop you are working with may ship damaged furniture, or the furniture may already be in use and break. The process for requesting your assistance at this time is simple. For further information on how to seek help with your case, you should get in touch with the dealer.

This process entails the dealer contacting Prime Resources and attempting to give them information relevant to your case. Therefore, it is advised that one act without delay in such a situation.

Checking your warranty plan to see if it has a five-year restriction or a three-year warranty will be part of the following procedure. You will receive your coverage following the conditions.

5-Year Plan Limit

One option that Prime Resources will provide has a five-year warranty restriction. Some of the furniture that the business will sell via a customer’s dealer is covered by this coverage.

If your furniture comes with a five-year guarantee plan, you will be protected during this time.

As previously said, you should contact your dealer and request coverage if your furniture should break. By providing coverage for your furniture through the dealer, Prime Resources Furniture will be able to assist you.

One would need to pay a fee to get this complete product coverage. Obtaining a five-year warranty costs $179 for the five-year duration. Therefore, paying this sum will ensure that your guarantee is upheld and that you are covered in the event of damage.

3-Year Plan Limit

Prime Resources Furniture also provides another warranty plan with a three-year warranty restriction. If your claim is submitted within the allotted time, you will receive coverage for your furniture with this type. A three-year, $149.99 warranty fee is required for this plan.

A full cover for your damaged furniture is promised after paying this sum within this time frame. One may select the warranty plan. To obtain coverage for Prime Resources Furniture in the event of damage, you must first contact the dealer.

If such broken furniture was previously covered, however, the limit has been reached; coverage will no longer be available. The plan agreement will expire if the limit is exceeded without a coverage claim, and at that point, Prime Resources will not provide coverage for any issues.

What Is Covered ?

There are necessary components or the entire purchased item regardless of your selected warranty plan. For instance, the guarantee will cover things like broken stands and pillows. Otherwise, a five-year warranty plan offers complete coverage for the entire furniture set.


Prime Resources Furniture coverage could be offered as a replacement. Your dealer will provide appropriate assistance when you get in touch with them and describe the issue you had with your furniture while the industry covered it.

Helping you replace the necessary component of your furniture or the entire piece may be considered assistance. Therefore, your situation will depend on the selection of Prime Resources Furniture. However, there would never be an additional charge for your service for the item’s coverage or replacement.

Is Your Dealer No Longer Working?

There may be a time when you need your warranty to assist you, but the only way you may know to do so is to contact your dealer, who may not be open for business at the time. If the dealer is no longer available, Prime Resources advises that you get in touch with their page.

To move forward, the company will need the following information:

Item numberCopy of the item’s receiptDetails of the problem 


Prime resources have the best method for providing their warranty protection. As you can see from the preceding, the first step you should do if you need your item to be covered by your guarantee is to contact your furniture dealer. Additionally, there is a full period coverage cost for the warranty plans. You will have to pay $179 for the five-year restriction and $149.99 for the three-year limit. Therefore, acquiring coverage is simpler and more convenient when you have spent such sums and the claim is inside the warranty term.

What kind of warranty does Prime Resources Furniture offer up to the maximum?

There is a three-year plan of protection as well as a five-year warranty plan. It will depend on the product and the customer’s preference.

Will a warranty cover a product with an “as-is” label?

No, such Prime Resources products are not covered by a guarantee. Therefore, it is impossible to obtain protection from such things.

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