The pungent and bitter taste of garlic makes it a perfect ingredient to make sauces of different kinds. You would find garlic bread and garlic tomato sauce in restaurants and cuisines. Garlic is helpful in the cure of heart diseases and cancer and most nations like to include it as a primary ingredient in food to prevent diseases. 

Price of garlic 

At a grocery store in the urban sector, an original love would cost $0.25-$1 while in the farmer’s market, they can cost $2-$8 for a quarter-pound. The cost also differs based on the variety of garlic. We also have to see the differentiation of price of garlic in different regions as the price can reach $8 at the superstore and $ 0.50 at an organic local market. For an ounce full container of crushed garlic, the companies charge $5-$8. $12 is the cost of fresh garlic per pound that you can find at the farmer’s market. 

Gourmet garlic is the most expensive and can cost around $16 per pound. Powdered garlic is useful in many dishes to add some flavor. Nowadays, the demand for powdered garlic has increased and people are asking for more of the same kind. It is available in supermarkets in the packaged form at about $1-3 for ¼ pack. 

Small-sized Culinary Garlic 

The cost of this type of garlic is $12. 50/Ib for each pound of 12-14 bulbs of garlic. The length of each bulb is 1.75 inches. Small-sized culinary garlic is highly usable in the kitchen as you can plant them easily. The cost of this kind of garlic is not too high for a small family or a person to afford. It is quite affordable for people to purchase small-sized garlic in bulk. 

Medium size garlic 

The cost of medium size garlic ranges around $16.50/ib. In each pound of garlic, you would find approximately 12 garlic bulbs of 1.75-2 inches. Growing medium-sized garlic

in the garden is also a good idea as you won’t find the need to purchase anything from the market. 

Large-sized garlic 

Large-sized garlic is also famous as a seed with quite beneficial properties and clove. It is used for planting garlic at home and also can be used for cooking. 

Most expensive garlic 

French Grey garlic is the most expensive kind of garlic that costs $ 24.00 for a bulb. The weight of this kind of garlic is quite less than the other types as it is only $3-8 and you can purchase it from a good garlic farm. 

There are 11 groups of horticulture garlic with a variety to be classified as Allium sativum or soft neck garlic. Other types are called hard neck garlic. 

Softneck garlic and its quality 

Drastic differences can be found in the types of garlic that distinguish them from each other. Some of the common kinds of soft neck garlic are Middle Eastern and artichoke. Silverskin garlic also falls in the category of soft neck garlic. The cloves of the artichoke are similar to other kinds in the shape of their leaves and overall plant. This kind of garlic is thick in its outer layer which helps the inner plan sustain for a long time. The duration of life of this kind can be about 6 months. 

Where can I use Softneck Garlic? 

You can find this kind of garlic in the market with the image of garlic braids with their outer silver shiny skin. The prime quality of Softneck garlic is that it matures quite quickly than the hard neck. The main season of planting softness is spring as it does not have stems and can be easily trimmed in the middle of the year. You can find Softneck garlic in the market. 

Hardneck Garlic 

The central basic stem of hard neck garlic changes woody once it starts getting dry. The hard part of the plant called the stem is used for hanging the garlic in a loop. Some of the famous types of garlic include Asiatic and purple stripes that look beautiful in their shape and appearance. The other kinds include porcelain and Creole which also look

quite amazing. The complex flavors and forms of garlic can be found in any supermarket. The fall season is dedicated to planting the slow growth of garlic. 


If you think that buying quality garlic from the market is too expensive and if you admire gardening then you can also start researching more about the different kinds and plant your garlic at home. Overall, we can say that price of garlic have increased alot.