A masked superhero is only as good as their world allows them to be, and that point is being proven in the best way possible thanks to Dragonfly & Dragonflyman. If you’ve ever wondered how the same story might be told differently by a Batman channeling Adam West, and the ultra-violent antihero of the 1990s, wonder no more.

The title heroes were introduced to fans in Ahoy Comics’ Wrong Earth series, transplanting the old-fashioned, campy Dragonflyman into the gritty, mature world of Dragonfly, and vice versa. Now both heroes are headlining a new series set before that tragic (and entertaining) adventure, putting them and their completely opposed treatment of their sidekick, Stinger, under the microscope. And leading to two very different ideas of loyalty, as shown in our exclusive preview of Dragonfly & Dragonflyman.

In the first issue of Dragonfly & Dragonflyman, the heroes took on two different versions of Devil Man: one, a cackling villain with a crew of henchmen and a flare for the dramatic, the other a murder-inducing chemist working out of an abandoned sex club. And before any reader assumes the story is too far along or elaborate to pick up now, writer Tom Peyer gives all the background one needs to dive in when Issue #2 arrives on December 11th:

With that concise summary, and our own endorsement pick up the first issue if you’re a fan of Batman, masked heroes, sidekicks, or over the top camp, check out the preview pages for Dragonfly & Dragonflyman #2 below:

Dragonflyman of sunny Earth-Alpha and Dragonfly of gloomy Earth-Omega are two versions of the same masked crimefighter. Dragonflyman is a law-abiding crusader against crime and partner to the police; Dragonfly is an ultra-violent vigilante who wages war against a corrupt establishment. In The Wrong Earth, we trapped them on each other’s worlds. In Dragonfly & Dragonflyman, we visit them before the earth-switch for two parallel stories that find them in their comfort zones as they pursue two very different approaches to raising kid sidekicks.

The first issue drove home just how disgruntled and frustrated the Earth-Omega version of Stinger was already becoming, so it isn’t a shock to learn he’s taken this opportunity to simply walk away from his insulting mentor. Is it a chance to actually escape and start fresh without his surveillance? Or an attempt to show him what he’s missing in a partner? We’ll keep things spoiler free for now (this is a prequel to The Wrong Earth, after all), and let the work of Peyer and artists Peter Krause and Andy Troy speak for itself. Readers can call their local comic book shops for more details, and find the official credits and plot synopsis below:

  • DRAGONFLY AND DRAGONFLYMAN #2 Release Date: December 11th, 2019 Written by: Tom Peyer Art by: Peter Krause Cover by: Jamal Igle Two worlds, two versions of the sinister Devil Man! Two irresistible temptations for THE WRONG EARTH’s campy Dragonflyman and gritty Dragonfly to violently attack their kid sidekicks! PLUS! Eclectic illustrated prose and text features!

Dragonfly & Dragonflyman #2 will be available from your local comic book shop on December 11th, 2019.

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