Though casual of tabletop gaming are more than aware of the alignment system in Dungeons & Dragons, which allows players to both choose and define their characters moral stances in the world (and by consequence, certain aspects of their personality) it is important to note that it is not the only element that goes into making a character who they are.

Their class (bard, fighter, paladin, etc.) also determines a certain number of their traits and the ways that they interact with the world. Today, we will be exploring the personalities of several main characters from the classic teen drama Pretty Little Liars and seeing which Dungeons & Dragons class best aligns with their traits, motivations, and personalities.

Note: This article will focus primarily on events and character profiles from the first season of the show, when the basic archetype for each character was established. They did change and grow over time but their core traits at their introduction are the essence of who they are and the most important thing to consider when choosing the appropriate class for them.

Hanna- Ranger

Those belonging to the Ranger class are known for their commitment to annihilating the threats that cross their path. As a ranger, players can choose their preferred type of enemy and can hunt them down like a true professional. They know how to survive when things get tough and can make it own.

Hanna makes it her mission to force Mona to accept her friend group and learns how to survive on her own after Alison’s “death” and her father leaves. Money is tight, her self esteem is slowly growing, and she knows how to keep herself safe and her enemies at bay.

Spencer- Wizard

Those who belong to the Wizard class are known for their commitment to learning and their dedication to hard work. Wizards do not rest; especially not when they could be studying new spells or pushing themselves past their limits working on their goals.

This is the perfect class for the driven, scholarly, and ambitious Spencer. Spencer does not know the meaning of the word “rest.” She has goals and she plans on doing whatever it takes to achieve them.

Aria- Bard

Bards are the artists of the Dungeons & Dragon world. They are known for their ability to inspire others, perform if need be, and charm other people into giving them exactly what they want.

Aria, the artist of the group, is no stranger to having to perform in order to keep those around her happy (and secrets hidden.) She hid her father’s affair and her own morally questionable relationship with her stunning performance skills.

Emily- Druid

Druids are known for their love for the outdoors and are, more often than not, considered to have a very gentle nature. One does not find too many Chaotic Evil Druids in the world (though it is important to note that they do exist.)

Emily is the athlete of the group. She is warm-hearted, soft natured, and would rather spend her days engaged in sporting activities than whatever drama her friend group is up to.

Ezra- Paladin

Paladin’s are known for their sense of duty and their devotion to the oath that they have made. They would rather lose their life than betray this oath and are prepared to do so at a moment’s notice.

The girls aren’t the only ones in town with a secret to keep and Ezra’s (though it does involve one of the members of the group) might be the most scandalous of all. But he is committed to doing his absolute best to keep it a secret. Even if it means hurting the ones he loves.

Jenna- Rogue

Rogues are known for being sneaky, underhanded, and doing whatever it takes to get their way. Their own needs are the only thing on their mind and they do not care who gets hurt in their quest to enjoy themselves.

Jenna is out for blood and feels like it is her duty to put Alison’s former gang in their places. She will take those who scorned her down and will seek out every whim and pleasure that appeals to her.

Toby- Fighter

Fighters are known for their strength and constitution affinities. They are built to survive and are willing to do whatever it takes to do so. They can hold their own in a fight and won’t go down easy.

Though exiled from the community, Toby manages to find a way to survive. He is blamed for several things that he had nothing to do with and is even a victim of things that have gone under the radar.

Mona- Barbarian

Barbarians are known for their short fuse and penchant for falling into a fit of rage. They have very little ability to control their temper and will unleash their fury on all who are thick enough to cross their path while they are fuming.

Mona is known for her vindictive and brutal attitude. When she believes that she has been wronged, she will bite back without hesitancy. Her bite is much worse than her bark, and might even leave scars on those who get on her bad side.

Melissa- Monk

Monk’s are known for their affinity towards perfection. They have high ideals to strive towards and put immense pressure on themselves to get there. Failure is simply not an option.

Our favourite obsessive perfectionist would find herself well suited to this class as Melissa spends a decent portion of her appearances in the first season of the show bragging about the perfect nature of her life or wallowing in self-pity when her dreams are taken from her.

Alison- Blood Hunter

Some fans of this classic tabletop game may not recognize this class, as it was recently added to the game. But we included it in this list, despite its lack of legacy, as it was the perfect class for Alison.

Both Alison and the Blood Hunters of the D&D world are out for secrets. They use this gathered information to get one step ahead of their enemies and stay in the lead.