ile the xel C we reviewed didn’t suffer from the issues as Antech encountered with its model, nonetheless provided a second unit to the outlet with an unreleased software update that vastly improves touchscreen responsiveness. One video released by the site shows just how bad the issue can be. The second unit, however, seems to work as one would expect a $500 tablet to perform.  ong with the improvements to the touchscreen responsiveness, Antech notes the color characteristics have been tweaked, though it may not be something that’s obvious to the naked eye. Chrome support for finger controls remains a problem, however, as Antech says that the browser is still janky with pinch-to-zoom other gestures. The new software is a variant of the latest version of Android, which is 6.0.1. This update is likely targeted specifically at the xel C may launch soon if it’s already in advanced testing. If you bought ‘s Android-powered Surface clone suffered through some of these issues, your suffering may soon end. y this matters: The xel C is a “halo” device, designed to combine premium hardware pure software. ile seemed to nail the former, it came up short with the latter. ong with the touchscreen issues, our review noted that Android didn’t seem up to the task of high-level productivity, with no multi-window support or other enhancements for a larger screen. Android may very well be the future of software, but it clearly needs a lot of work before it takes center stage on such a premium device.